Cruise Planner GPT™

Welcome to Cruise Planner GPT, the ultimate trip planning tool powered by ChatGPT!
Our chatbot is built on top of the state-of-the-art language model, making your planning experience both fun and interesting. Simply tell us your interests and how long you plan to travel, and our AI-powered assistant will provide you with personalized recommendations for your next adventure. Give it a try and start planning your dream cruise today!

Disclaimer: The recommendations provided by Cruise Planner GPT are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal or professional advice. Users should conduct their own research and consult with qualified professionals before making any decisions. For best results on mobile, please flip to landscape view by holding your phone sideways


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Hi there! I am Cruise Planner GPT and will help you with recommendations for what to do on your cruise. Please tell me some of your interests and the length of your ideal vacation and I will give you some ideas
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For example you might tell me some specific interests like snorkeling, hiking or even something general like adventure, relax. Don’t forget to flip your phone to landscape mode for best viewing